Sunday 4 February 2018

Week 1 2018 Room 25

Tena Koutou Katoa

Rosebank School Values

Tena koutou Katoa

Kei te mahi tahi nga tamariki kia marama te mahi manaaki.
Manaaki mai               Respect self
Manaaki atu                Respect others
Manaaki i te taiao          Respect the environment

"Manaaki is looking after the trees" said Julissah.
How? "Stop! cutting the trees down," demanded Khloe.
"Manaaki is respecting yourself and saying nice words to other people," said Niwa.
"Manaaki is sharing," shouted Maddie.
How? "If someone has no pen, be kind enough to share a pen with them," explained Khloe.

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