Thursday 25 January 2018

Nau mai Haere mai - Room 25 Carolyn Taka

kiaora whanau and welcome to an exciting 2018

This year we welcome a new senior teacher to Te whanau  Matua Paora Reeder who will be in Room 26. Nau mai haere mai

At this point I would like to acknowledge and thank Whaea Rebecca Harris for caring and guiding our tamariki through their education. Whaea is now working in Room 17 with a year 5/6 class and part of the Manawa team. 

I have had the greatest pleasure working with whaea in Te Whanau for the past 5 years and the honor of  knowing her for over 20 years. Kia ora taku hoa

Whaea Bella Mano Te Whanau kaiarahi will be supporting rooms 25 and 26 with their learning.

  • School starts 30th January
  • I look forward to seeing all your smiling faces
  • Na Carolyn Taka  

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