Monday, 19 March 2018

Week 8 Special Visitors from Sika

Tena Koutou Katoa

Room 25's Famous Chilly Bin

Last week three special visitors from Sika made another one of their regular visits to Rosebank School.  

We were overwhelmed with a donation of $1000 for our school library, 10 worm farms complete with worms, six Sika rugby balls, lots of different vegetable plants for our marakai, (garden) chocolates for all and Mr Robertson's  famous chilly bin full of ice blocks. 

Room 25 and 26 demonstrated Manaaki mai (respecting ourselves) and Manaaki atu (respecting others) by sharing our culture with our friends. Matua Paora blessed our class mural with a karakia and we all sang a waiata to make our guests feel welcome.

Nga mihi koutou Sika and friends

Room 25's class mural.  
Students will be creating a mural for Sika in appreciation for their support (awhi) over the last 3-4 years.
Happy students. Happy teachers. Happy School.

Koha (gifts) for Rosebank.

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Week 7 - working together ART IN ACTION

Having fun and creating

Planning stage - Our art needs to tell a story. 

What do you think the different colours represent?

Thinking about colour and texture

Now lets work together!

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Week 6 Te Whanau Newsletter

 Monday 12th March 2018

Te Whanau Newsletter

Whānau Hui

E ngā mātua o Te Whānau,

Nei rā te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Nau mai, haere mai ki tā tātou hui a whānau a tērā wiki.

We will have our final hui for this term on Wednesday 21st March at 5:30 pm in room 25.  The main kaupapa of the hui is making props for our upcoming cultural performance. The whānau performance is part of the whole school cultural concert that takes place on Thursday 12th April at 5pm.

The hui will be an excellent opportunity to work together in preparing our two classes.

The hui will also look at finalizing whānau dates for the remainder of the year and an insight into future classroom and school events that are set down for term 2.  

We look forward to seeing you at the whānau hui.

Mihi ana,
Nā Paora rāua ko Carolyn

Monday, 5 March 2018

Week 5 Te Whanau Newsletter

Rosebank School

Kia ora e te Whanau
Nei ra te mihi ki a koutou katoa
Thank you for attending for the attending the ‘Meet the Teachers Evening’ and also our first whānau hui on Tuesday 20th of February.
We talked about how parents could help support the teachers and the students in term 1.

Firstly, we have 7 panels that you will need painting with images that relate to the classes and the local area.  These panels will be fastened to the building when they are completed. 
We will let you know when the panels arrive. We will also select a date and time so whānau come along and work alongside the tamariki in creating our own murals.

Concert Performance
The whānau will open the school cultural performances with a whakatau (welcome) and then we will perform our item.  We discussed at the whānau hui what our item will be and how parents can help the teachers and children prepare for the performance in the final week of this term.

Whānau Hui
 In order to help with the cultural item we discussed having a whanau meeting again prior to the performance.  Carolyn and I are asking that we meet on Wednesday 14th March or Wednesday 21st March.  The whānau hui will take place in room 25 at 5 pm. Please select and circle a date that you prefer.  We will let you know what date most parents have circled for our final whānau hui for this term. Please return the bottom section to your teacher by the end of this week.
Preferred Whānau date

I prefer the next whānau hui to be held on:

Wednesday 14th March                                                                                                 Wednesday 21st March 

Signed: ______________________________________________
 Ngā mihi,
Nā Matua Paora me Whaea Carolyn

E te Whanau Room 26 Nei ra te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Ka mau te wehi nga tamariki o Te Whanau o Patiki.  Here are some pho...