Monday 19 March 2018

Week 8 Special Visitors from Sika

Tena Koutou Katoa

Room 25's Famous Chilly Bin

Last week three special visitors from Sika made another one of their regular visits to Rosebank School.  

We were overwhelmed with a donation of $1000 for our school library, 10 worm farms complete with worms, six Sika rugby balls, lots of different vegetable plants for our marakai, (garden) chocolates for all and Mr Robertson's  famous chilly bin full of ice blocks. 

Room 25 and 26 demonstrated Manaaki mai (respecting ourselves) and Manaaki atu (respecting others) by sharing our culture with our friends. Matua Paora blessed our class mural with a karakia and we all sang a waiata to make our guests feel welcome.

Nga mihi koutou Sika and friends

Room 25's class mural.  
Students will be creating a mural for Sika in appreciation for their support (awhi) over the last 3-4 years.
Happy students. Happy teachers. Happy School.

Koha (gifts) for Rosebank.

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E te Whanau Room 26 Nei ra te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Ka mau te wehi nga tamariki o Te Whanau o Patiki.  Here are some pho...