Tuesday, 15 May 2018

E te Whanau,

Nei ra te mihi atu ki a koutou.  Here are the some photos of our tamariki learning their pepeha with the rods and learning mahi whai.
 Tuakana using the rods to make their pepeha come alive.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Kiaora Koutou and welcome to Term 2 2018

As you can see 'The Sika Garden' and the tamariki are flourishing.

Ten worm farms are arriving in the next 2 weeks from Sika and the tamariki will be involved in developing a 'Worm Farm Club'.    

We are all looking forward to term 2 and new learning.

E te Whanau Room 26 Nei ra te mihi atu ki a koutou katoa. Ka mau te wehi nga tamariki o Te Whanau o Patiki.  Here are some pho...